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At least 215 patients had to be evacuated from NYU Medical Center when the backup generator failed. NBC's Rehema Ellis reports.
By JoNel Aleccia, NBC News
Power went out at a major New York hospital Monday night, just at the height of superstorm Sandy?s worst winds and flooding, forcing staff to evacuate at least 215 patients, including many who were critically ill.
A failed back-up generator forced NYU Langone Medical Center to send 93 patients to hospitals in the North Shore-LIJ health system, in emergency transfers one spokesman described as ?traumatic.?
?They were literally carrying them down the stairs,? said Terry Lynam, spokesman for the North Shore-LIJ system.
Another 19 NYU patients, presumably cancer patients, went to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, said Chris Hickey, a hospital spokeswoman.
Critically ill patients, including babies, from the NYU Langone neonatal and pediatric intensive care units went to New York Presbyterian Hospital at both the Weill-Cornell and Washington Heights campuses, said spokeswoman Kathy Robinson.
AT NYU Langone, the hospital?s telephone service, email and website were all down Tuesday morning.
?Due to the severity of Hurricane Sandy and the higher than expected storm surge, we are in the process? of transferring approximately 215 patients within the medical center to nearby facilities,? the hospital said in a statement Monday.
Patients who were transferred from one hospital to another amid the howling storm were understandably shaken by the ordeal, said Lynam. He said social workers were being made available to patients who needed counseling or other assistance Tuesday.
?We are recognizing that this was obviously a traumatic incident,? Lynam said.
Mount Sinai Medical Center also joined in efforts to evacuate patients, the hospital said in a statement.
Across the city, other hospitals also opened their doors to evacuated patients. At St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, Dr. Ernest Patti said hospital officials were in discussions with at least two other hospitals to accept patients after back-up power systems failed.
?We?re fortunate. We sit up on a high hill. We didn?t drown in the flooding,? said Patti, senior attending physician of emergency medicine.?
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Retirement may be a long way off of for you ? or it will be right around the corner. No matter how near or far it is, you?ve absolutely reached start saving because of it now. Even so, saving for retirement isn?t what it used to be using the increase in living cost and the fluctuations of sociable security. You need to invest on your retirement, as opposed to saving for this!
First, it is possible to invest in shares, bonds, good funds, cd?s, and money market place accounts. You don?t need to to state for you to anybody how the returns in these purchases are to be used with regard to retirement. Just merely let your income grow overtime, and when selected investments get to their adulthood, reinvest them and continue to let your income grow.
You may also open a good Individual Retirement Account (IRA). IRA?s are quite popular because the financial resources are not taxed until you take away the resources. You may also be able to deduct your own IRA contributions through the taxes that you just owe. A great IRA can be exposed at most banks. A ROTH IRA is really a newer form of retirement account. With a Roth, you spend taxes on the money that you will be investing in your, but when you cash out, no national taxes are generally owed. Roth IRA?s can even be opened at a financial institution.
Another popular type of retirement living account is the 401(k). 401(k?s) are typically provided through organisations, but you might be able to open any 401(k) on your own. You should speak with a financial planner or even accountant that will help you with this. The particular Keogh plan is another type of IRA that is suited to self employed individuals. Self-employed small business owners can be interested in Simplified Employee Pension plan Plans (SEP). This can be another type of Keogh prepare that people generally find simpler to administer than a regular Keogh plan.
Whichever retirement investment you select, just make sure you ultimately choose one! Yet again, do not be determined by social safety, company retirement plans, as well as inheritance that may or may not come through! Take care of your financial potential by investing in it today.
Let?s start by examining the IRA Rollover plan offered by your company. Not so long ago, these plans had been quite sound. However, following the Enron upset and many types of that followed, individuals aren?t as safe in their company retirement strategies anymore. When you purchase not to fund your company?s retirement prepare, you do have other options related on financial planning.
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Starting Thursday October 25, 2012, I have received a number of emergency alerts from a variety of players ? in some cases more than one from some of the players:
1. My employer informing me that they are tracking the storm and of office closures on Monday;
2. ONE of my banks suspending overdraft fees and ATM fees for cash transactions;
3. My utility company promising to do their best to restore lost power;
4. My cable/Internet company promising to do their best to restore lost service;
5. My town informing me of the local expectations of and from the storm and to take precautionary measures;
6. the town where my Mother lives informing me what actions they were taking to prepare for the storm (these messages started on Thursday October 25, 2012 ? the earliest I received) and to take precautionary measures;
7. The town where Gartner?s headquarters is located informing me what actions they were taking to prepare for the storm and to take precautionary measures ;
8. The State of Connecticut informing me of the impending storm and to take precautionary measures;
9. NotifyNYC because I used to live there, I now live close enough to the city to still care, I have family there and also because monitor what?s going on there because of the financial services industry concentration;
10. NYC OEM ? ditto;
11. MEMA ? the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency ? I live between two major US cities ? NYC and Boston; and
12. I was also in Vermont over the weekend and due to an application I have on my smartphone, I received weather-related messages all along the I-91 corridor from mid-CT to lower VT.
Some of the alerts were more effective than others ? mainly for phone messages.
PLUS: The best phone messages were those that had a recording from someone from the player ? I recognized their voice, or at least their name.
PLUS: I really liked being able to confirm receipt of both email and SMS messages. This is REALLY important if you don?t want to continue repeatedly getting the same message because the sender has escalation procedures built into their procedures to continue contacting you until a confirmation is received from any endpoint.
MINUS: The worst phone messages were those were I wasn?t home to accept the call and the message told me to call ANOTHER number and enter a code to either acknowledge the message that was left, or to pick up the message.
MINUS: Test-to-speech wasn?t as good as it could be ? a few of those alerts converted ?CT? (Connecticut) to ?Court?. Not critical when you KNOW the context but when you don?t and if it was an instruction, you could cause a crisis just for the translation problem. Some of that problem can be attributed to the message payload: instead of using ?CT? it should have been spelled out ?CONNECTICUT? ? experience will correct those problems very quickly.
I know that I will continue to receive alerts for the next few days if not through the week. I will be blogging about them through this week.
What I want to know from you is your experience of the alerts you received: the good, the bad and the really ugly. For example, a colleague of mine lives in Zone A in Manhattan and the building management of the apartment in which they live sent out phone and email messages about mandatory evacuation ? the phone message came through 3 1/2 hours AFTER the deadline of the evacuation demand from NYC. See what I mean by the REALLY UGLY.
So ? start sending us your experiences! My colleagues and I will gather them and publish as a lessons learned note from Hurricane Sandy.
Category: Advisory BCM Process Event Technology ? ? Tags: Business Continuity Management, Business Continuity Planning, COOP, Crisis Management, Emergency Management, Emergency Notification, EMNS, ENS, Hurricane Sandy, Incident Management, Mass Notification
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Remembering people's names is tough, and if you struggle with putting together a face and a name then you're bound to feel like a fool when you meet someone for a second time. Psychology Today suggests that one way to increase your memory skills is to practice at home with celebrities.
The idea here is to not just increase your memory skills by attaching a face to name while watching TV, but also to figure out where you struggle the most. Psychology Today explains:
Practicing celeb's names is a low-risk way to enhance your face memory skills. As you're watching your favorite movies or TV shows at home, go ahead and consult a movie or TV data base, which will allow you to work on forming name-face associations with people whose feelings you can't possibly hurt. You can also diagnose your weaknesses with this simple exercise. Perhaps you're worse at remembering men's names, or perhaps you look too much at the changing features of a person's costumes and disguises. You can even work out a scoring system and track your progress as the weeks go by.
While it's not always possible to increase your memory with practice, the point here is to also figure out why you stink at remembering names, and then adjusting your memory system from there. Remembering a name is often just about repeating it, but if you're still struggling a little practice won't hurt.
The One Social Skill that Can Change Your Life | Psychology Today
Photo by Christopher.
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I once supervised a Compensation Analyst who had learned her craft through professional seminars and workshops.? One result of that education was her favored response when faced with a challenge at work; ?the greatest minds in Compensation say that . . . ?.? ?It took patience to educate this budding practitioner in the difference between classroom / textbook answers and workplace reality.
A while ago I came across an HR blog where the author instructed readers in how to create a merit performance matrix.? Very good stuff, I thought, admiring the technical step-by-step directions, except I knew from long experience that the procedure being described would never work in the real world.?
While it's critical to understand the technical foundations of Compensation methodology and practice, first and foremost practitioners need to anchor themselves in the here and now, to know what will work and not work in their organizations ? no matter what the finest minds in Compensation think.
Why does Compensation theory sometimes clash with workplace reality?
Sometimes those experts who teach Compensation techniques fail to ground their instructions with a caution: check this process out in the reality of your workplace before you take a classroom technique and wave it in management?s face.
Another example:
When designing a pay-for-performance merit increase matrix the standard rule is to place the average increase percentage in the cell block most populated by employees (average performance and average position-in-range).?? The sound reasoning for this technique is to better manage the costs associated with that year?s annual increase process.
A lot of years ago I followed that approach in my first compensation leadership role.? I still have a little bump where my head hit the wall.
Here?s the rub; such a technique requires that the matrix change every year, as the analysis demands you study where the average population falls each year.? But management will likely have none of that. They want the same matrix every year, for ease of administration and communication.
Another area that separates the compensation technician from the professional is the ability to deal with what I call the ?softer? side of compensation.? Survey statistics, charts and formulae are very good analytic tools, but management will want to know what it all means and what to do about it.? So the answer isn?t simply reporting competitive data, but taking that next step to help management understand and strategize future action.
The contribution you can make to your organization is in blending technical knowledge (the how-to) with seasoning and experience to understand what will work for your organization, considering culture and management bias.? Technical knowledge will give you the same answer every time, but knowing how to use that knowledge like a craftsman?s tool to aid in achieving business objectives ? that's the key to success as a Compensation professional.
Chuck Csizmar CCP is founder and Principal of CMC Compensation Group, providing global compensation consulting services to a wide variety of industries and non-profit organizations.? He is also associated with several HR Consulting firms as a contributing consultant.? Chuck is a broad based subject matter expert with a specialty in international and expatriate compensation.? He lives in Central Florida (near The Mouse) and enjoys growing fruit and managing (?) a brood of cats.
Creative Commons image courtesy of Richard Step
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Erica Avegalio, center, and her brother Albert Avegalio, right, load up on water and food at the Times Supermarket after learning of a tsunami warning Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012, in Honolulu. A tsunami warning has been issued for Hawaii after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake rocked an island off the west coast of Canada. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center originally said there was no threat to the islands, but a warning was issued later Saturday and remains in effect until 7 p.m. Sunday. A small craft advisory is in effect until Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Eugene Tanner)
Erica Avegalio, center, and her brother Albert Avegalio, right, load up on water and food at the Times Supermarket after learning of a tsunami warning Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012, in Honolulu. A tsunami warning has been issued for Hawaii after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake rocked an island off the west coast of Canada. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center originally said there was no threat to the islands, but a warning was issued later Saturday and remains in effect until 7 p.m. Sunday. A small craft advisory is in effect until Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Eugene Tanner)
Mike Nakamoto of Honolulu prepare's his client's boat moored at the Ala Wai Harbor to take it to deep water after learning of a tsunami warning Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012, in Honolulu. A tsunami warning has been issued for Hawaii after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake rocked an island off the west coast of Canada. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center originally said there was no threat to the islands, but a warning was issued later Saturday and remains in effect until 7 p.m. Sunday. A small craft advisory is in effect until Sunday morning.(AP Photo/Eugene Tanner)
Tad Kanski of Newport Beach, Calif unties his family's sailboat moored at the Ala Wai Harbor after learning of a tsunami warning Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012, in Honolulu. A tsunami warning has been issued for Hawaii after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake rocked an island off the west coast of Canada. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center originally said there was no threat to the islands, but a warning was issued later Saturday and remains in effect until 7 p.m. Sunday. A small craft advisory is in effect until Sunday morning.(AP Photo/Eugene Tanner)
Lyndon Fong of Honolulu fills up his gas tank after learning of a tsunami waring Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012, in Honolulu. A tsunami warning has been issued for Hawaii after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake rocked an island off the west coast of Canada. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center originally said there was no threat to the islands, but a warning was issued later Saturday and remains in effect until 7 p.m. Sunday. A small craft advisory is in effect until Sunday morning.(AP Photo/Eugene Tanner)
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) ? A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck off the west coast of Canada, but there were no reports of major damage. Residents in parts of British Columbia were evacuated, but the province appeared to escape the biggest quake in Canada since 1949 largely unscathed.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the powerful temblor hit the Queen Charlotte Islands just after 8 p.m. local time Saturday at a depth of about 3 miles (5 kilometers) and was centered 96 miles (155 kilometers) south of Masset, British Columbia. It was felt across a wide area in British Columbia, both on its Pacific islands and on the mainland.
"It looks like the damage and the risk are at a very low level," said Shirley Bond, British Columbia's minister responsible for emergency management said. "We're certainly grateful."
The National Weather Service issued a tsunami warning for coastal areas of British Columbia, southern Alaska and Hawaii, but later canceled it for the first two and downgraded it to an advisory for Hawaii.
Gerard Fryer, a senior geologist with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, said the first waves hitting shore in Hawaii were smaller than expected.
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie said early Sunday that the Aloha State was lucky to avoid more severe surges after the powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Canada. Abercrombie said beaches and harbors are still closed statewide.
"We're very, very grateful that we can go home tonight counting our blessings," Abercrombie said.
The weather service also canceled a tsunami advisory for Oregon, leaving northern California as the only spot in North America still under a tsunami advisory.
Dennis Sinnott of the Canadian Institute of Ocean Science said a 69-centimeter (27 inch) wave was recorded off Langara Island on the northeast tip of Haida Gwaii, formerly called the Queen Charlotte Islands. The islands are home to about 5,000 people, many of them members of the Haida aboriginal group. Another 55 centimeter (21 inch) wave hit Winter Harbour on the northeast coast of Vancouver Island.
"It appears to be settling down," he said. "It does not mean we won't get another small wave coming through."
Canada's largest earthquake since 1700 was an 8.1 magnitude quake on August 22, 1949 off the coast of British Columbia, according to the Canadian government's Natural Resources website. It occurred on the Queen Charlotte Fault in what the department called Canada's equivalent of the San Andreas Fault ? the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates that runs underwater along the west coast of the Haida Gwaii.
In 1970 a 7.4 magnitude quake struck south of the Haida Gwaii.
The USGS said the temblor shook the waters around British Columbia and was followed by a 5.8 magnitude aftershock after several minutes. Several other aftershocks were reported.
The quake struck 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of Sandspit, British Columbia, on the Haida Gwaii archipelago. People in coastal areas were advised to move to higher ground.
Urs Thomas, operator of the Golden Spruce hotel in Port Clements said there was no warning before everything began moving inside and outside the hotel. He said it lasted about three minutes.
"It was a pretty good shock," Thomas, 59, said. "I looked at my boat outside. It was rocking. Everything was moving. My truck was moving."
After the initial jolt, Thomas began to check the hotel.
"The fixtures and everything were still swinging," he said. "I had some picture frames coming down."
Lenore Lawrence, a resident of Queen Charlotte City on the Haida Gwaii, said the quake was "definitely scary," adding she wondered if "this could be the big one." She said the shaking lasted more than a minute. While several things fell off her mantle and broke, she said damage in her home was minimal.
Many on the B.C. mainland said the same.
"I was sitting at my desk on my computer and everything just started to move. It was maybe 20 seconds," said Joan Girbav, manager of Pacific Inn in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. "It's very scary. I've lived here all my life and I've never felt that."
Residents rushed out of their homes in Tofino, British Columbia on Vancouver Island when the tsunami sirens sounded, but they were allowed to return about two hours after the quake.
In Hawaii, the tsunami warning spurred residents to stock up on essentials at gas stations and grocery stores and sent tourists in beachside hotels to higher floors in their buildings. Bus service into Waikiki was cut off an hour before the first waves, and police in downtown Honolulu shut down a Halloween block party. In Kauai, three schools used as evacuation centers quickly filled to capacity.
Fryer said the largest wave in the first 45 minutes of the tsunami was measured in Maui at more than 5 feet (1.5 meters), about 2 feet (60 centimeters) higher than normal sea levels. No major damage was reported.
In Alaska, the wave or surge was recorded at 4 inches (10 centimeters), much smaller than forecast, said Jeremy Zidek, a spokesman for the Alaska Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. The quake was felt in Craig and other southeast Alaska communities, but Zidek said there were no immediate reports of damage.
Associated Press writers Oskar Garcia in Honolulu, Hawaii, Mark Thiessen in Anchorage, Alaska, and Rob Gillies in Toronto contributed to this report.
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?Enjoy your time together as a family,? said the sweet older lady splashing out of Chik Fil A a few minutes ago as our family, the kids completely wired, splashed in.
We are in suburban Philadelphia for the funeral two days ago of my dear mother-in-law. Scheduled to fly out today, we are in the same situation as so many others, maybe flying out Wednesday, although who knows.
My mother-in-law?died eight days ago after?a nearly year-long terrible illness. The last week has been about memories, pictures, a?pre-dawn flight back east,?staying in her home with my father-in-law, reassuring the children, offering our love and support as best we can to the beyond-exhausted and heartbroken family who has been here on the scene being 24/7 anguished caregivers.
And now we five, two children, a son and his wife, a widowed grandfather, are cooped up together in my mother-in-law?s tidily decorated?but now fairly cluttered house, with beautiful flower arrangements starting to fade a bit, sympathy cards streaming in, new leftovers from cassaroles?brought by generous neighbors?and suspicious old?leftovers?filling the fridge (did I see that cookie dough this summer when we visited?), some fresh peanut butter and jelly and bread and water and batteries stocked up in case we lose power, watching it rain, making a foray to Chik Fil A for a diet Dr Pepper and carrot-raisin salad and to?enjoy that most precious commodity known as wifi. The kids are missing school (which is not cancelled in Illinois); my husband and I are hopelessly behind on work; the only exercise I can come up with is yoga in the middle of the living room floor (the only floor space in the house big enough for it) as everyone tromps around me.? Now and then I steal my iPhone back from my son obsessed with Minecraft so that I can read some emails and the news, then hand it back to him with stern admonitions to keep charging it for when we lose power.
?Enjoy your time together as a family??and we are, even as we make each other nuts?and have no space,?and miss the woman who gave herself so fully to all of us and to so many others, whose life is alive around us in her shoes and clothes in the closet, her tidy stacks of spotless table cloths and doilies in the drawers, her old photos and all the snapshots of grandchildren, the lotions and rosaries on her dresser, her tiny kitchen in which she produced great meals for many and fed a family of six?for decades,?in which all but the lowest cabinets were too high for her 4?10? frame to reach, a design decision which always made me nuts for her sake.
Of course, it?s time together that is the most precious thing of all?fleeting, frustrated, sweet time. And so for the sake of my mother-in-law, and for the sake of my children?s memories someday when I too am gone, I will do my best to be patient and to let go and, as the nice lady leaving Chik Fil A instructed me, to?enjoy it.
Categories: Aging, Disability, Death, Dying, Faith and Families
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Following a two day journey, two cosmonauts and a NASA astronaut docked at the International Space Station.?Thirty-two Japanese medaka fish also made the trip safely.?
By Irene Klotz,?Reuters / October 25, 2012
In this NASA photo, Family of the newly arrived International Station Expedition 33/34 crew members, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy, front left, NASA astronaut Kevin Ford, front center, and Russian cosmonaut Evgeny Tarelkin, front right, talk to the crew from the Russian Mission Control Center in Korolev, Russia on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012.
AP Photo/NASA,Bill Ingalls
EnlargeA pair of rookie Russian cosmonauts and a veteran U.S. astronaut arrived at the?International Space Station?on Thursday, boosting the crew back to full strength and bringing along 32 Japanese medaka fish.
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Soyuz spacecraft commander?Oleg Novitskiy, flight engineer?Evgeny Tarelkin?and NASA's Kevin Ford ended a two-day journey with an 8:29 a.m. EDT (1229 GMT) docking at the orbital outpost as the ships sailed 254 miles (409 km) above the planet.
After making sure seals between the two spacecraft were airtight, the men joined space station?commander Sunita Williams, Japanese astronaut?Akihiko Hoshide?and cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko to return the station?to its full, six-member crew.
The $100 billion station, a project of 15 nations, had had a crew of three onboard since Sept. 16 because of normal rotation schedules.
"It is so great to see all six of you on orbit and to see your smiling faces," William Gerstenmaier, NASA associate administrator for spaceflight, radioed to the crew from the?Russian mission?control near?Moscow.
The 33rd space station?crew blasted off on Tuesday aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in?Kazakhstan.
Ford, who flew as the pilot on a 2009 space?shuttle mission, said he noticed different noises and vibrations riding on the Soyuz, but he found the trip just as enjoyable.
"The two days went really quickly," Ford told family and friends gathered at the?Russian mission?control during a televised welcoming ceremony. "It was an incredible ride."
Ford's Russian colleagues, both of whom are flying for the first time, had a bit of struggle adjusting to the weightless environment of space.
"I have to admit it was a little bit difficult the first day, but then it got better and easier," one of the cosmonauts said through a translator.
"It got tolerable," the other added. "Today, we're feeling great."
One of the first orders of business was transferring 32 Japanese medaka fish from special containers aboard the Soyuz into?Japan's Kibo laboratory, where aquariums have been set up for a variety of experiments.
"The fish are still alive. Aki already has checked on them. He was very worried that they make it here," one of the cosmonauts said, referring to Hoshide.
The crew will have a busy schedule in the coming days. On Sunday, the privately owned Dragon cargo ship, which arrived at the station?on Oct. 10, is due to depart.
The Space?Exploration Technologies' freighter, making the first of 12 supply runs under a $1.6 billion NASA contract, will be returning with more than one ton (907 kg) of science experiments and gear from the orbital outpost, the first big load of cargo to come back to Earth since the space?shuttles stopped flying more than a year ago.
The astronauts also are preparing for the arrival of a Russian cargo ship on Wednesday and a spacewalk the following day by Williams and Hoshide to try to repair a leak in a station?cooling system.
Williams, Hoshide and Malenchenko are scheduled to return to Earth on Nov. 12, leaving the three newcomers on their own until replacements arrive on Dec. 21.
(Editing by Kevin Gray and Mohammad Zargham)
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Contact: Ben Norman
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., has announced a new partnership between the British Ecological Society (BES) and the Wiley Open Access journal Ecology and Evolution. This latest partnership brings the number of high profile journals supporting the open access title to 16. Eleven of these partner titles are ranked in the top 20 ecology journals by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).
BES journals will join other high impact titles in offering authors a rapid manuscript transferal system which maintains the integrity of peer review and allows authors to meet the requirements of their funders.
Since the inaugural issue of Ecology and Evolution in September 2011, more than 250 papers have been published in the journal. The support of the five BES journal titles, all of which rank in the top 20% of ecology journals (ISI), will ensure Ecology and Evolution continues to attract the latest prestigious research from across the discipline.
Ecology and Evolution publishes papers under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original work is properly cited. An article publication charge (APC) is payable by authors on acceptance of their articles and under this new partnership BES members can take advantage of a 10% discount on this charge.
"Having published ecological journals for 100 years, we are delighted to announce this partnership as we embark on the BES's centenary year," said Georgina Mace, President of the BES. "Our established journals receive increasing numbers of high quality submissions each year and this involvement with Ecology and Evolution will enable us to further serve our ecological community by publishing more of this important ecological research."
Ecology and Evolution is also expanding its editorial expertise with the appointment of new editor Dr Andrew Beckerman, from the University of Sheffield, UK, who joins Allen Moore, from the University of Georgia, USA, in leading the journal.
Dr Beckerman is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences. His research links genetics, behaviour and life history to the distribution and abundance of organisms and the structure and dynamics of communities. Andrew has previously served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Animal Ecology and Ecology Letters.
"I am excited to join Allen and the team on this journal with its broad subject coverage cutting across ecology and evolution, and to become part of an interesting venture in open access publishing," said Dr Beckerman.
"We are thrilled that the BES has chosen to extend our 60-year relationship by collaborating with us on the open access journal, Ecology and Evolution," said Liz Ferguson, Editorial Director, Life Science, Wiley. "This new partnership is a great fit for the editorial ambitions of Ecology and Evolution and we are also delighted to welcome Andrew at this critical stage of the Journal's development."
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Ben Norman
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., has announced a new partnership between the British Ecological Society (BES) and the Wiley Open Access journal Ecology and Evolution. This latest partnership brings the number of high profile journals supporting the open access title to 16. Eleven of these partner titles are ranked in the top 20 ecology journals by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).
BES journals will join other high impact titles in offering authors a rapid manuscript transferal system which maintains the integrity of peer review and allows authors to meet the requirements of their funders.
Since the inaugural issue of Ecology and Evolution in September 2011, more than 250 papers have been published in the journal. The support of the five BES journal titles, all of which rank in the top 20% of ecology journals (ISI), will ensure Ecology and Evolution continues to attract the latest prestigious research from across the discipline.
Ecology and Evolution publishes papers under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original work is properly cited. An article publication charge (APC) is payable by authors on acceptance of their articles and under this new partnership BES members can take advantage of a 10% discount on this charge.
"Having published ecological journals for 100 years, we are delighted to announce this partnership as we embark on the BES's centenary year," said Georgina Mace, President of the BES. "Our established journals receive increasing numbers of high quality submissions each year and this involvement with Ecology and Evolution will enable us to further serve our ecological community by publishing more of this important ecological research."
Ecology and Evolution is also expanding its editorial expertise with the appointment of new editor Dr Andrew Beckerman, from the University of Sheffield, UK, who joins Allen Moore, from the University of Georgia, USA, in leading the journal.
Dr Beckerman is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences. His research links genetics, behaviour and life history to the distribution and abundance of organisms and the structure and dynamics of communities. Andrew has previously served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Animal Ecology and Ecology Letters.
"I am excited to join Allen and the team on this journal with its broad subject coverage cutting across ecology and evolution, and to become part of an interesting venture in open access publishing," said Dr Beckerman.
"We are thrilled that the BES has chosen to extend our 60-year relationship by collaborating with us on the open access journal, Ecology and Evolution," said Liz Ferguson, Editorial Director, Life Science, Wiley. "This new partnership is a great fit for the editorial ambitions of Ecology and Evolution and we are also delighted to welcome Andrew at this critical stage of the Journal's development."
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Can't decide if you want a PC or tablet? Now you won't have to. With the release of Windows 8, computer makers are doing their best to blur the boundaries with an array of devices that mash keyboards and touch screens together in different ways.
Some of these configurations are new, while others have appeared and disappeared on the market since at least 2002, when Microsoft Corp. released Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.
Microsoft says it has certified 1,000 devices for use with Windows 8 and its sibling operating system, Windows RT. The two systems look the same, but under the hood, they're quite different.
Windows RT runs only on machines with the type of lower-energy, phone-style chips used in iPad and Kindle tablets. That makes for cheap, thin and light devices with very long battery lives - more than 10 hours. But those devices won't run any programs written for other versions of Windows. In fact, they can run only applications downloaded directly from Microsoft's online store, in a setup borrowed from Apple and its iPhone.
The ability of Windows RT devices to connect to peripherals such as scanners and printers is also limited.
Here's a selection of the devices that went on sale Friday or will hit stores over the next few months:
CONVERTIBLES - These are the Transformers of the bunch. They run Intel chips and may look like staid laptops at first glance, but one way or another, they convert into tablets.
Toshiba U925t - To convert this laptop into a tablet, push the 12.5-inch screen back, then slide it over the keyboard with the display facing out. Available now for $1,150.
Sony Vaio Duo 11 - Similar to the Toshiba but smaller, the folding mechanism on this model leaves no room for adjusting the angle of the screen. There's no room for a touchpad, either. Instead, there's a touch-sensitive "nub" in the middle of the keyboard that lets you guide the cursor. The 11.6-inch screen also works with a stylus. Available now starting at $1,100.
Lenovo ThinkPad Edge Twist - Like all ThinkPads, the Edge Twist is a business-focused machine. This one incorporates a mechanism that's been in use in tablet computers for at least a decade: The 12.5-inch screen connects to the base with a swiveling hinge. Flip the screen around, then fold it over the keyboard to turn it into a tablet. Available now starting at $849.
Dell XPS 12 - The 12.5-inch screen on this laptop is hinged inside its frame. It can be flipped around so the screen faces away from you, then folded over the keyboard for tablet mode. Sound original? Dell has actually tried this design before, for a 2010 laptop. Starts at $1,200, with an estimated ship date of Nov. 15.
Lenovo Yoga 11 - This 11.6-inch screen goes back - way back. You can push it so far back that it's flat with the underside of the laptop. Now you have a tablet with a screen on one side and a keyboard on the other. Luckily, the keyboard turns off when you fold the screen back, so you can hold the device. Unlike most convertibles, which run on standard Intel chips, this one uses Windows RT and a processor from Nvidia. Available in December for $799.
WINDOWS 8 TABLETS - These slates run Intel chips and regular Windows software. Computer makers are hoping they'll find a home among businesses that need employees to access their work applications while commuting or traveling, but they're also hoping to entice consumers.
Samsung ATIV Smart PC 500T - This tablet, with an 11.6-inch screen, looks much like a small laptop when docked into a keyboard base. The combination also folds up just like a laptop. Available now for $650. The keyboard costs another $100 and contains an additional battery to extend the workday.
Lenovo IdeaTab Lynx - Similar to the Samsung model, the Lynx goes on sale in December for $599. The keyboard will cost another $149.
Hewlett-Packard ElitePad 900 - A 10-inch tablet aimed squarely at business users, the ElitePad is paired with "Smart Jackets" that extend its capabilities with extra battery life, a keyboard, a stylus or memory-card slots. Available in January at an as-yet undisclosed price.
Hewlett-Packard Envy X2 - The consumer equivalent of the ElitePad is slightly larger, with an 11.6-inch screen, but weighs the same: 1.5 pounds. A keyboard dock with an extra battery doubles the weight and turns it into a small laptop. Launches this holiday season. HP hasn't said what it will cost.
WINDOWS RT TABLETS - Though they lack the ability to run standard Windows programs, these light tablets include a version of the Office software suite for free.
Microsoft Surface - Yes, Microsoft is diving into the hardware business, making its own tablets and competing with its customers, the computer makers. The Surface will have a screen that measures 10.6 inches diagonally, slightly larger than the iPad's. Optional covers double as thin keyboards - with no real buttons, just printed "touch zones." Available now starting at $499. Keyboard cover is $100 extra with base model, included with $699 model. A full-fledged, non-RT version will come later at a price that hasn't been disclosed.
Asus VivoTab RT - This tablet looks very much like the Asus Transformer line, which runs Google Inc.'s Android software. The 10.1-inch tablet docks into a keyboard, which also extends the battery life to about 15 hours. The tablet costs $449 and the dock $149. Available now.
Dell XPS 10 - Another 10.1-inch tablet that docks into a keyboard. Starts at $499 and goes on sale some time later this year.
REALLY ODD PRODUCTS - Windows 8 has prompted some manufacturers to think well outside the box.
Sony Tap 20 - This is an "all-in-one PC" - a desktop computer with a built-in 20-inch diagonal screen. The difference here is that the Tap 20 has a built-in battery, so it can be lugged around as an enormous tablet computer. It's four times the size of the iPad screen. Place it face up on a table and have the family gather around. It can keep track of up to 10 fingers touching the screen at once. The Tap 20 will go on sale Wednesday starting at $880.
Asus Taichi - This laptop has 11.6-inch screens on both sides of the lid. When open, one screen faces the keyboard and the other faces away. That's convenient for presentations, Asus says. When closed, the outward-facing screen becomes a tablet screen. Taichi will go on sale in November starting at $1,299.
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The Sony Xperia TL will be available on AT&T from November 2 for $100 on a two-year contract. The new phone will be featured in the new Bond movie Skyfall and comes with a 13-megapixel rear camera.
We covered the announcement of the Sony Xperia TL on AT&T and now we can bring you the details on the release date and price. AT&T has just revealed that the ?James Bond? smartphone which features in the new Bond movie Skyfall can be snapped up for $100 on a two-year contract.
The big selling point, beyond the Bond product placement, is the 13-megapixel camera which is super-fast ? capable of going from standby to capturing a shot in 1.5 seconds flat. There?s also HD video recording and a snazzy 4.6-inch HD Bravia-branded ?Reality Display? to enjoy your footage on.
Throw in ?One-touch connectivity? powered by NFC, which allows you to share content across multiple devices (provided they are NFC-enabled, of course). There?s also 4G LTE connectivity, HDMI, DLNA support, and a 1.5GHz dual-core processor, which adds up to a fairly decent looking Android phone. Pity it?s shipping with Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich); you?d expect Bond to demand the latest version of Android, although Q promises an Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) update shortly.
As part of the 007 tie-in you?ll find an assortment of preloaded content including ringtones, behind the scenes footage, wallpapers, and more. Check out the video for a closer look.
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